Wednesday, May 30, 2012

A Collection Of Dean Pelton’s Costumes From Community

A Collection Of Dean Pelton’s Costumes From Community:

It’s safe to say that Dean Pelton is the most colorful member of the Greendale Community College All Stars on the hit TV show Community.
He has a flair for theatrics, with an ever changing wardrobe to match, so sitcom geek and cartoonist Dennis Culver decided to put all of his costumes together on one colorful illustrated poster.
Prints are available for purchase at Dennis’ website, in case you’re looking for something to put on your wall that reminds you how not to dress if you want to be taken seriously!
Link  –via i09

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Man Creates Amazing Super Mario Bros Scene Inside Fish Tank [Video]

Man Creates Amazing Super Mario Bros Scene Inside Fish Tank [Video]:

Surprisingly, even though I spend my whole days trying to find geeky content to please you guys, I’m pretty sure this is the first time I’ve stumbled on a Mario-themed aquarium, and this one sets the bar pretty high. Check it out!
mario1 mario2 mario3
No related posts.

Monday, May 28, 2012

’30 Rock’ Season 7 To Be Its Last; Extended Series Finale

’30 Rock’ Season 7 To Be Its Last; Extended Series Finale:
30 Rock Ends After Season 7 TV
So it’s finally official: NBC’s hit comedy 30 Rock will meet its end at the conclusion of its upcoming seventh season. NBC Entertainment chairman Robert Greenblatt confirmed Monday at the NBC upfronts presentation in New York that the Emmy Award-winning comedy will end after its 2012-2013 season – but the series will receive a special hour-long series finale.
Although there was heavy speculation about whether or not Season 7 would be the last, the official announcement comes a day after Greenblatt told reporters that a decision had not yet been made either way – even in the midst of somewhat suggestive comments from series stars Alec Baldwin and Tina Fey. NBC’s previous decision to shorten 30 Rock and some of its other veteran comedies to 13-episode runs added to the conjecture that ...

Click to continue reading ’30 Rock’ Season 7 To Be Its Last; Extended Series Finale

Why Nikola Tesla was the greatest geek who ever lived

Why Nikola Tesla was the greatest geek who ever lived: Why Nikola Tesla was the greatest geek who ever lived
An ode to the father of the electric age.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Star Trek: Voyager Cake

Star Trek: Voyager Cake:

This delicious-looking Voyager cake definitely won’t require 75 years to complete its journey into my belly. Regali Kitchen made it to help Maya and Barry celebrate their eleventh anniversary. The ship’s navigation lights and warp nacelles light up appropriately and the crew is completely edible.
Link -via Bit Rebels | Regali Kitchen’s Website

Friday, May 25, 2012

VOTD: All Star Voice Actors Live Read ‘Star Wars’

VOTD: All Star Voice Actors Live Read ‘Star Wars’:

We all know Star Wars so well that whenever there’s a new interpretation or spin, it’s always kind of fun. When that new interpretation features some of the most famous and recognizable voice actors in the world reading the entire script interchanging characters and dialogue with some of their own, it’s really, really fun.
That’s what happened earlier this year at Emerald City Comic Con as some of the best known voice actors in the world read the script of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope as different characters throughout their careers. The full video is after the jump and it features Billy West (Crank Yankers, Ren & Stimpy, Futurama), Tara Strong (Rugrats, Powerpuff Girls, My Little Pony), Maurice LaMarche (Inspector Gadget, Transformers, Futurama), John DiMaggio (Futurama, Adventure Time, Boondocks), Kevin Conroy (Batman, Adventure Time), Jess Harnell (Pixar, Transformers) and Rob Paulsen (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Pinky & The Brain).
Thanks to The Nerdist for posting this video. Here goes.

It’s the Star Wars Trilogy like you’ve never heard it before! Join voice actors Billy West, Tara Strong, Maurice LaMarche, John DiMaggio, Kevin Conroy, Jess Harnell and Rob Paulsen as they re-create the magic of the Star Wars films, albeit in their own special way! You never know what you’ll hear when this cast gets together.
On March 31st, 2012 some of the greatest voice talent on the planet descended on the Emerald City Comicon to give you one of the greatest, most outrageous readings of Star Wars you will ever hear!

There’s a Message Here Somewhere

There’s a Message Here Somewhere:
wtf photos videos - i don't even...

Submitted by: Unknown

10 Latin Phrases You Pretend to Understand

10 Latin Phrases You Pretend to Understand:
Because you weren’t going into botany, the priesthood, or coin manufacturing, you thought you were safe to dismiss Latin as a dead language. Obviously, you didn’t graduate cum laude. Latin is about as dead as Elvis (who, by the way, made $54 million in 2004). Whether you’re deciphering a cryptic state seal or trying to impress your Catholic in-laws, knowing some Latin has its advantages. But the operative word here is “some.” The ability to translate The Aeneid probably isn’t going to come in handy anytime soon, so we’ll start you off with ten phrases that have survived the hatchet men of time (in all their pretentious glory).
1. Caveat Emptor

(KAV-ee-OT emp-TOR): “Let the buyer beware”
Before money-back guarantees and 20-year warranties, caveat emptor was indispensable advice for the consumer. These days, it’d be more fitting to have it tattooed on the foreheads of used-car salesmen, infomercial actors, and prostitutes. For extra credit points, remember that caveat often makes solo appearances at cocktail parties as a fancy term for a warning or caution. Oh, and just so you know, caveat lector means “let the reader beware.” (not that you’ll ever, ever need to know that!)
2. Persona Non Grata

(puhr-SOH-nah non GRAH-tah): “An unacceptable person”
Remember your old college buddy, the one everybody called Chugger? Now picture him at a debutante ball, and you’ll start to get a sense of someone with persona non grata status. The term is most commonly used in diplomatic circles to indicate that a person is unwelcome due to ideological differences or a breach of trust. Sometimes, the tag refers to a pariah, a ne’er-do-well, a killjoy, or an interloper, but it’s always subjective. Back in 2004, Michael Moore was treated as a persona non grata at the Republican National Convention. Bill O’Reilly would experience the same at Burning Man.
3. Habeas Corpus

(HAY-bee-as KOR-pus): “You have the body”
When you wake up in the New Orleans Parish Prison after a foggy night at Mardi Gras, remember this one. In a nutshell, habeas corpus is what separates us from savages. It’s the legal principle that guarantees an inmate the right to appear before a judge in court, so it can be determined whether or not that person is being lawfully imprisoned. It’s also one of the cornerstones of the American and British legal systems. Without it, tyrannical and unjust imprisonments would be possible. In situations where national security is at risk, however, habeas corpus can be suspended.

4. Cogito Ergo Sum

(CO-gee-toe ER-go SOME): “I think, therefore I am”
When all those spirited mental wrestling matches you have about existentialism start growing old (yeah, right!), you can always put an end to the debate with cogito ergo sum. RenĂ© Descartes, the 17th-century French philosopher, coined the phrase as a means of justifying reality. According to him, nothing in life could be proven except one’s thoughts. Well, so he thought, anyway.
5. E Pluribus Unum

(EE PLUR-uh-buhs OOH-nuhm): “Out of many, one”
(Image credit: Wkikpedia user Juntas)
Less unique than it sounds, America’s original national motto, e pluribus unum, was plagiarized from an ancient recipe for salad dressing. In the 18th century, haughty intellectuals were fond of this phrase. It was the kind of thing gentlemen’s magazines would use to describe their year-end editions. But the term made its first appearance in Virgil’s poem “Moretum” to describe salad dressing. The ingredients, he wrote, would surrender their individual aesthetic when mixed with others to form one unique, homogenous, harmonious, and tasty concoction. As a slogan, it really nailed that whole cultural melting pot thing we were going for. And while it continues to appear on U.S. coins, “In God We Trust” came along later (officially in 1956) to share the motto spotlight.
6. Quid Pro Quo

(kwid proh KWOH): “You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours”

Given that quid pro quo refers to a deal or trade, it’s no wonder the Brits nicknamed their almighty pound the “quid.” And if you give someone some quid, you’re going to expect some quo. The phrase often lives in the courtroom, where guilt and innocence are the currency. It’s the oil that lubricates our legal system. Something of a quantified value is traded for something of equal value; elements are parted and parceled off until quid pro quo is achieved.
7. Ad Hominem

(ad HAH-mi-nem): “To attack the man”
In the world of public discourse, ad hominem is a means of attacking one’s rhetorical opponent by questioning his or her reputation or expertise rather than sticking to the issue at hand. Translation: Politicians are really good at it. People who resort to ad hominem techniques are usually derided as having a diluted argument or lack of discipline. If pressed, they’ll brandish it like a saber and refuse to get back to the heart of the matter. Who said the debate team doesn’t have sex appeal?
8. Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

(ad-MA-yor-em DAY-ee GLOR-ee-um): “All for the Greater Glory of God”
Ad majorem dei gloriam is often shortened to AMDG. In other words, it’s the WWJD of the Jesuits, who’ve been drilling the mantra into their followers since (Saint) Ignatius of Loyola founded the Catholic Order in 1534. They believe all actions, big or small, should be done with AMDG in mind. Remind your Jesuit-educated buddies of this when they seem to be straying from the path. (Best used with a wink and a hint of irony.)
9. Memento Mori

(meh-MEN-toh MOR-ee): “Remember, you must die”

Carpe diem is so 20th century. If you’re going to suck the marrow out of life, trying doing it with the honest, irrefutable, and no less inspiring memento mori. You can interpret the phrase in two ways: Eat, drink, and party down. Or, less hedonistically, be good so you can get past the pearly gates. Naturally, the latter was the one preferred by the early Christian Church, which would use macabre art—including dancing skeletons and snuffed-out candles—to remind the faithful to forgo temporal pleasures in favor of eternal bliss in heaven. The phrase also served to prevent swelling heads. Some historians say that victorious, parading Roman generals would have servants stand behind them and whisper “memento mori” in their ears to keep their egos in check.
10. Sui Generis

(SOO-ee JEN-er-is): “Of its own genus,” or “Unique and unable to classify”
Frank Zappa, the VW Beetle, cheese in a can: Sui generis refers to something that’s so new, so bizarre, or so rare that it defies categorization. Granted, labeling something “sui generis” is really just classifying the unclassifiable. But let’s not over-think it. Use it at a dinner party to describe Andy Kaufman, and you impress your friends. Use it too often, and you just sound pretentious.
Previously: Latin You Should Know
The article above, written by Kevin Fleming, is reprinted with permission from the May-June 2005 issue of mental_floss magazine. Get a subscription to mental_floss and never miss an issue!
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